Top 10k strings from Dack Demo, The (1988)(Coolguys)(128k).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   3 (a(c,th)/po)
   2 yrlf`[VQLHD@=9630-+(&$" 
   2 x;"PRESENT":
   2 a(c,th)=53537
   2 Gg``g``GG_yzyy_
   2 G8pp`88GGG
   2 FGG88p888GGG
   2 DGG8pp888GGG
   2 -a,s-23500
   2 (a(c,tw)/po)
   2 "Dack Demo"
   1 start=a(c,th)-on
   1 start=64899
   1 spk+on,a(c,tw)=po*
   1 limit=53537
   1 a(c,tw)=start
   1 a(c,th)=57600
   1 a(c,on)=d:
   1 ?), Markie - Newsfield (Hello), Lyman - America (Hear from you soon.),  Tony, Stuart, Martin Galway (Thanx for writing such cool music!), Ronnie (I'll get some new stuff soon.), Rich, Ant, Pete, Jerry - Powder & Pieces - Sweden (Think I'd better write!), Sherlock & Watson, Spen, Steve B, John & Sean - America (Hello guys.), All the GUYS at C.G.L, SEGA Owners, Blok (Your cussing is feeble!), Simple Minds fans, & all I missed (sorry!!!!).
   1 . Something Wonderful Has Happened, Your Computer Has Come Alive
   1 ,a(c,th)-po*
   1 (a(c,th)/po):
   1 ' We will kick your feeble
   1 $ Piss off you dumb hacker!
   1 !  Me and ZER0 thought it was pretty good!
   1  head in BASTARD!!!!
   1   ~GOODBYE~
   1   What did you think of the rather smart intro?  I must admit that it's rather brilliant!  Well, this demo has been coded to give you all some idea what me and ZER0 have been doing lately.  You can see it again once this message has finished.
   1   What a week!  I got a bastard of an electric shock yesterday when I was plugging in my tape recorder and it threw me across the room!  I was a bit pissed off by that!!  Andy J was very jealous of our ~OUT RUN~ shop demo (the only way you'll get to see this demo is to check out shops like W.H.Smiths, Virgin, Laskys and Boots in Birmingham city centre!  Or you could get ZER0's cool ~OUT RUN~ demo.), it has some amazing presentation (well up to the standards of this demo!), and has to be seen to be believed!
   1   Well, what better time than now to do the greetings (later?)
   1   Well, I'm going to have to make an abrupt end to this piece of programming wizardry cuz of the memory restrictions imposed by all the routines etc.  Don't forget to check out the latest C.G.L demos!
   1   This intro is rather amazing
   1   Presented by COOLGUYS LIMITED
   1   Me and ZER0 have been invited to California for a month, so all you Americans can be expecting to see even more of our demos!
   1   I'm very pleased to say that our demos are now spread all over America.  They have all been received very well over there, and we have had some excellent feedback on them!  Special thanx go to Paul Westwood and Pete Cartwright for taking them everywhere!
   1   I think that the SCA's (Swedish Crackers Association) Amiga virus is very funny!  For those of you who don't know, they have written a prog which strips protection from software and it gets passed on to all disks cuz it stays in the Amiga's ram!  Tough luck to all the Amiga owning suckers who have fallen for it
   1   Greetings To: ZER0 (What do you think of the intro?), Max (I don't think I'm that good at music!), Minnie (Hello), Red Devils - Norway (Hurry up Thor & Odin!), Jonathan Smith (Thanks for the games), Paul W (Thanx for making C.G.L big in the U.S.A!), Pete - America (Thanx to you too!  We'll be over in November!), Steven Gailey (I'll send the tapes soon.), Willy Clark (How much longer Willy?), DSS - Finland (Tape come not I be wait for friendly!!??!!), Jamie (FAT?  FAAAAT?  FAT???  FAT
   1   Fuckings To: Andy J - Demoland (Oh, you are so pathetic, take your cusses elsewhere.), Qumer (You bastard!), Wakey (We won't make too much of a mess of you!), TCA (Totally Crappy Assholes!), TFC (Totally Fucking Crap!), The Bender Bradley Brothers (Phew!  You do stink!!!), & any other bastard who may happen to annoy me!
   1   Coding, Music & Graphix by DACK
   1   3 Channel music by Martin Galway, converted to Spectrum code by DACK
   1   *** GREETINGS ***
   1   *** FUCKINGS ***